
Coaching Sessions

Life is meant to be lived & enjoyed at any given moment – we are here to THRIVE not just
get by in basic survival mode! Where is the fun in that?

Does this sound familiar?

  • you’ve been in the same rut for some time now and you’re ready for a change
  • you have many skills but aren’t utilising them to your full advantage
  • you’re stuck in a proverbial ‘life loop’ and don’t know which way to turn or what to do to get out of there
  • you’re a parent and ready to work again in some form that doesn’t involve juggling a million roles each day with little to no rewards
  • you have a great idea for a business and haven’t done anything about it…yet…
  • you would love to do something completely different than you’re doing right now and don’t know where to start

At Replan Living I see unlimited potential in everyone. Maybe you’re not quite where you want to be in life – that’s OK! The question is what can you do to get you to where you want to be in life?

This is where I come in.

Book Coaching Sessions 

  • you’re questioning the meaning of life & wondering what is missing
  • you may have material successes but deep inside you feel a void that isn’t being filled
  • you’re lacking in joy, fun & happiness
  • you find it challenging to connect to yourself & others
  • you’re angry, irritated & find it difficult to have compassion for yourself & others
  • life doesn’t seem enjoyable any longer
  • stress seems to be the number 1 focus most days
  • you’re holding on to the past, seemingly unable to let go

Coaching is a Way of Being

Coaching with me begins the creative process that helps you gain insight into your unconscious behaviour patterns, supporting you in your journey towards creating new, lasting results & shifts in behaviour. Through deep listening, powerful questioning, direct communication, awareness creation and goal setting I help you to succeed.

Life and Business Coaching Through A Trauma Informed Lens….

  • maximise your untapped potential in life
  • unlock your imagination & creativity
  • drop the limiting self beliefs that have held you back until now
  • look at things from a completely different perspective
  • present day focus to achieve goals & targets
  • use your resourcefulness & wholeness
  • commit to the journey & commit to the sessions
  • come ready & willing to be open, to build trust & rapport during our coaching relationship
  • you are on the journey to discover YOUR SELF
  • no advice, no cheerleading, no validation – I simply ask questions to support you in finding your way

What Is Trauma Informed Coaching?

Being a survivor myself, I understand only too well that both conscious & unconscious life imprints can appear unannounced in a variety of ways. Knowing the obstacles that present themselves while holding space for you as and when this happens is paramount. You lead each session we have together, allowing for curious exploration through the trauma lens & within a safe & nurturing environment.

Empowering You

Empowered change comes from knowing you have the ability to take hold of the reins of your life, guiding yourself forward with the knowledge that you are not “broken or damaged goods”, there is nothing “wrong” with you & there is nothing to “fix”.

You are in fact fully capable, resourceful & packed full of potential & infinite possibility. You hold the wisdom & resources necessary to change your life going forward. It’s time to tap into within…..


Coaching Sessions With Julie

Each coaching session is unique to you & your requirements on the day of your booking.
The initial session begins with setting guidelines

  • 60 minutes long
  • private & confidential
  • safety to speak on your chosen topic/focus for each session
  • gentle enquiry
  • fully focused on you
  • curiosity through questioning
  • solutions, goals, targets are discovered by you
  • judgement-free soul searching
  • exploration of possibilities
  • consideration of how to implement new patterns of behaviour
  • calmness
  • awakening awareness within you

And much much more! The only limits are the ones we place on ourselves, so let’s explore all of the limitless possibilities you have….

Trust in your power
Trust in your self
Trust the process

Take The Steps To Empowered Change Today

Contact me today and invest in your future
Choose from the following options that would best suit your requirements:

Payment Options

Split Payments

Please contact me to discuss dividing your payments into instalments

PLEASE NOTE – the nervous system takes time to heal & feel safe; implementing the tools & using these on a daily basis will help you to progress

Whats Involved?

Prior to your initial coaching session I will email you a small questionnaire for you to fill in.

This helps me understand where you currently face challenges in your life just now. The answers provided by you will assist me in how we can best utilise our time together and move you towards the results you are looking for.

Each 60 minute online session begins the same way. The opening minutes of each call focus on the topic you would like to explore in more detail. This is to ensure we are both on the same page.

We will then look at and assess the perceived issues that you may be finding challenging.
From here we look at what you could implement into your day-to-day life that allows you to move towards your journey of long lasting & positive changes. All sessions are viewed through a trauma informed lens.

Follow Up

After each call I collate the content and follow up with you via email within a 24 hour time period with the following information:

  • the outcome(s) for you to focus on until our next session
  • up to 3 actionable points from our call
  • links with suggestions for support materials & additional content that will help you towards your results (e.g. apps, meditation, etc)